

The Snack Shack is now accepting online orders. Everything you need to know here.

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

Purchase all your uniform requirements online.

Harvest 6006

Harvest 6006

Our award-winning olive oil, harvested by the P&C from North Perth olive trees.

 Fathering Project

Fathering Project

Get involved with the Perth Numbats.

Next Event

P&C Executive Meeting

P&C Executive Meeting

All P&C members are encouraged to log on to Zoom and participate in our executive meetings, which we are holding every three weeks during the COVID-19 outbreak....

Latest Initiative

Free second hand uniforms!

Free second hand uniforms!

The P&C have helped many families in our community over the last two months and would like to extend further support by announcing that Second Hand Uniforms will be made available to families FREE OF CHARGE for Term 2....

Sign Up

​Sign-up for the P&C email newsletter and please indicate whether you’d be happy to volunteer and help the P&C help our school.

The P&C relies upon volunteers to run our canteen and uniform shop, as well as stage fundraising events like Harvest.

Are you interested in volunteering for the P&C?

Support our Sponsors